Wedding Form

Couples!  Print out this form and then go to the Wedding Music page to listen to the selections.  Mark your choices on this page and then return this form to Janos Major, the Director of Music. Remember to print the name of the bride, the groom, your phone numbers and your wedding date.

Please do not email this form to the church.

Name of the Bride: ____________________________________
Name of the Groom:____________________________________
Phone Number:________________________________________
Wedding Date: ________________________________________

Vocal Prelude (please choose 1)
___ Bridal Prayer ___Blessing ___The Gift of Love ___Wedding Song

Processional Instrumental (Please choose 1)

___ Jesu’ Joy of Man’s Desiring ___Trumpet Voluntary ___ Te Deum
___Trumpet Tune ___Arioso ___Rondeau

Responsorial Psalm (Please choose 1)
___ On Eagles Wings ___Blest are Those Who Love You ___I Have
Loved You ___I will Praise Your Name

Candle Lighting (please choose 1)
___Bridal Prayer ___Blessing ___Unity Candle

Offertory and Communion (Please choose 2)
___ Wedding Song ___The Gift of Love ___The Greatest Gift
___Together ___ Panis Angelicus ___How Great Thou Art
___ Like a Seal on Your Heart

Sign of Peace (Please choose 1)

___ Bach Prelude ___Prayer of St. Francis

Communion Meditation (Presentation to Mary, please choose 1)
___ Ave Maria – Schubert ___Ave Maria – Bach/Gounod

Recessional (Please choose 1)

___C Major Prelude ___Horn Pipe
___ F Major Prelude ___Rejoicing

Return this form to Janos Major – 732-614-1592