Our Adult Choir
The Adult Choir sings in four parts (soprano, alto, tenor and bass) at the 9:30 AM Mass on Sunday. The Adult Choir sings anthems according to the readings of the day. In addition to regularly scheduled Masses, the Choir sings on Christmas Eve, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, the Easter Vigil and Confirmation. In addition to providing musical leadership at our parish liturgies, the Adult Choir performs concerts throughout the year (see concert schedule below). Choir practices are held on Wednesday or Thursday from 7:00 PM to 9:30 PM in the Church choir loft. New members are always welcome. For further information contact Esther Nam at enam@stroseoflimachurch.org.
Click here to view our 2021 Virtual Tenebrae Service
Click here to view our 2020 Christmas Concert
Adult Handbell Choir
Our Hand Bell Choir consists of high school students and adults who have developed their skills and learned the proper bell ringing techniques. The Hand Bell Choir plays approximately once a month during the Chapel Masses and for special occasions. They also appear in our annual Christmas Concert. New members are always welcome. Practices are held Monday evenings from 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM in the Chapel. For information, contact Esther Nam, enam@stroseoflimachurch.org.
The Contemporary Music Group
The Contemporary Music Group performs songs of praise with influences from folk, gospel, pop and rock music. Using guitars, keyboards, drums and vocal harmonies, the group sings at Mass on the third Sunday of the month (except during the summer). They also sing at Healing Masses, on Pentecost, the Parish Picnic, Living Stations of the Cross, Prayer Services, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the Haiti Coffee house and more.
If you like to sing modern songs of praise or play an instrument, you might consider joining the group. Group members range from teens to retired people. Call Glenn Ahern 848-333-9211 for further information.
Click to listen to the Contemporary Music Group
The Arcadian Chorale
While the Arcadian Chorale is not a resident musical group at St. Rose, this group, under the leadership of Marina Alexander, will be offering their annual Fa la la–Freehold Holiday Concert on Friday, December 14, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. in the Church. General Admission Tickets are $15.00. Students with ID pay $5.00
Simple Gifts from last years concert: