The following is designed to help your wedding preparation, rehearsal and ceremony run more smoothly. We request that you share this information with anyone assisting you with your wedding, including still photographers, videographers, florists and wedding consultants.
Weddings are made available in the Church on a first come, first serve basis. Weddings are conducted on Saturdays in the Church at 10 AM, 12 Noon and 2 PM. Weddings are held Friday evenings at times mutually acceptable to you and your priest or deacon presider. Weddings are not held on Sunday.
I. The following are required from the bride and groom:
- In compliance with the Diocese of Trenton “common policy,” all couples, without exception, must attend either Pre-Cana Conferences or an Engaged Encounter Experience. A certificate from one of these sessions must be presented to the priest or deacon preparing you for marriage. Pre-Cana and Engaged Encounter schedules are available on the Diocese of Trenton website. Weddings are required to be registered no less than one year in advance of the proposed date of the wedding.
- A Newly Issued BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE (obtainable from the Church where you were baptized) is required. If either party is a baptized non-Catholic, we require their baptismal certificate or proof of their religion, which may take various forms. Please discuss this with the priest or deacon witnessing your marriage.
- First Communion and Confirmation certificates of Catholic party (parties) are also required and are obtainable from the Church where these sacraments were received. The original documents from these sacraments can also be used. Though Confirmation is not required for marriage, we recommend receiving this sacrament prior to marriage. Please discuss this with your priest or deacon presider.
- In the case of a widow(er), previous marriage certificate and death certificate are required.
- Flowers are normally part of a wedding, however, we recommend that you do not go overboard. One or two simple sprays of flowers are sufficient. If your wedding takes place on a day in which other weddings are scheduled, we will be happy to provide you with the name and phone number of the other wedding couples so the expense of flowers might be shared among the couples that day. Flowers need not be left in the church after a wedding; you are free to take them to your reception. If you are attaching flowers or bows to our pews, only elastic bands or clips that will not mar the wood are permitted. No tacks or tape of any kind is permitted.
- White runners date back to a time when churches had dirt floors, pounded smooth with oil. Since wedding dresses were used multi-generational, there was a desire to keep them clean. Churches today almost always have carpeted center aisles and are clean. This eliminates the need for a runner. Runners, especially the thin plastic type, are unsightly and can also be a hazard to guests and bridal party members as they walk up the aisle before and after the service. Runners are not permitted in our church or chapel.
- An organist and cantor will be provided for your wedding. A cantor is not an option and is required for all weddings. Though you may use an organist or cantor of your own, you will still be required to pay our organist and cantor a “bench fee” equal to their usual stipend. Please contact our parish Music Director, Esther Nam,, well in advance of your wedding. Selection of hymns and payment for services should be arranged directly with the organist. Please visit our parish web site at where you will find an outline for wedding Masses and Services and where you may also download the music that is approved for weddings.
- Bridal party members are chosen for a myriad of reasons. We recommend that bridal parties be kept to as few members as possible. This is particularly true of weddings held in the church since our sanctuary is small. Only children who have reached their sixth birthday by the time of the wedding are permitted as bridal party members. The maid of honor and/or best man must be Catholic.
II. Rehearsal
- The date and time of your rehearsal should be arranged as soon as possible with the priest/deacon who is witnessing your marriage as soon as possible.
- You are required to bring your civil marriage license to the rehearsal, and give it to the priest/deacon.
- All those who will participate in the wedding must be on time for the rehearsal as the priest/deacon may have appointments immediately after your rehearsal, or because multiple rehearsals may be scheduled back to back on the same day.
- All participants in the wedding ceremony should be present; this includes parents of the bride and groom as well as anyone proclaiming the scripture.
III. The Wedding Day
- It is essential that the wedding begin on time. There is an old adage that states, “Five minutes late may be fashionable, but ten minutes is obnoxious.” Please consider your guests may have already been waiting some time for the start of your ceremony.
- Photographers and videographers do not have free rein to do as they wish during a wedding. It is imperative that you inform them that they are to seek out and discuss with the priest/deacon presider before the ceremony his preferences for pictures and videos.
IV. After The Wedding
- We do not permit confetti, birdseed, flower petals or rice to be thrown as the bride and groom leave the church/chapel. These are a hazard and you will be held legally liable for any injuries incurred from this practice. We recommend bells and or bubbles to greet the bride and groom as they exit.
- You are beginning a new family. Be sure to register in the parish where you will reside. If you will be residing in Freehold, please stop by the rectory to register.
July, 2014